TTGroup is a Canadian owned company that was founded in the 1940s by Earl Lyons,
a vibrant entrepreneur, risk taker, and ideas man.
The Tender Tootsies story begins at the end of WWII, when the soldiers were returning home.
Over the course of the war, soldiers had grown tired of their drab army fatigues and Earl began
producing and selling argyle socks to these soldiers.
Eventually the company evolved beyond socks to include slippers, shoes and boots.
Some of the early products launched included: Happy Hoppers, Pussy Paws and Fabulous Fold-Ups.
In 1989, we joined forces with the Clinic Shoe Company - another company
with a long history and a shared value of COMFORT (they were established in 1913!). Together we continue to bring our
brand of comfort in our Shoes, Boots and Slippers to the USA and Canada.
2018 brought another addition to the TTGroup of footwear products. Martino, a well respected and successful footwear
professionals from Quebec Canada joined the family, adding an impressive line of great looking,
made in Canada boots, shoes and slipper.
An employee owned Canadian company with 200 employees
Canada’s largest footwear supplier, selling over 2.25 million pairs per year in Canada alone
Boots, Shoes, Sandals and Slippers for all genders
Head office in London, Canada. Offices and Factory in Quebec, Canada and Offices in Aurora, Missouri USA